Denise Salomone


Physical Therapist Assistant

  • Degrees: AS in Physical Therapy, San Diego Mesa College, San Diego, CA
  • Certifications: 500 hour E-YRT with Jason Crandall Yoga
  • Clinical Experience: Private Functional Fitness Training and clinical experience at Oceanside Physical Therapy.
  • Passionate about: Continuing to learn more about our amazing bodies and helping those with chronic pain. Additionally, I love facilitating and leading Yoga Teacher Trainings.
  • Interesting Facts: I grew up riding horsed and competed in Endurance Racing. Biked 672 miles from Astoria, Oregon to San Francisco. I have too many pets….8 chickens, 3 dogs and 1 cat.
  • Sports History: Horseback riding, cycling, mountain biking, surfing and kayaking.
  • Hobbies: Camping or traveling with my family.
  • Silversmithing and jewelry making.
    Originally from: Sacramento, CA